Exclusive Ferrari Parade Revs Up Roxy Cinemas Boxpark In Celebration Of Blockbuster Release
In celebration of the release of the ‘Ferrari’ movie at Roxy Cinemas and in collaboration with Ferrari Owners Club UAE, 35 Ferrari cars, recently paraded from Coca Cola Arena to RoxyCinemas Boxpark on Al Wasl Road, Jumeirah, creating a spectacular display.
Following the parade, several iconic masterpieces were showcased outside Roxy Cinemas Boxpark—the region’s first boutique cinema,offering the ultimate luxury movie experience in Roxy Platinum with retro hand-stitched Italian leather seats and cutting-edge audio-visual technology.
The parade was held in collaboration with the Ferrari Owners ClubUAEone day prior to the official release of the long-awaited movie ‘Ferrari’ – now showing in all Roxy Cinemas across Dubai.
Those eager to watch ‘Ferrari’, can secure a spot by booking online at www.theroxycinemas.com or through the Roxy Cinemas app, available for download on the App Store or Google Play.